This post is about pyintercept. A tool that I created to intercept function calls in Python scripts without modifying its source code. It basically patches the bytecode before executing.
When I started to develop Codenizer, the first
challenging feature I faced was the dependency tracking. The tracking part is
almost trivial, but extracting dependencies without actually running
anything, like python install
is hard.
I could install it in an isolated environment like Docker, and then check the
installed libraries by doing something like pip freeze
but I wanted to avoid
the hassle of compiling heavy-weight stuff just to know its dependencies.
pip install pyintercept
This is an example of how to use pyintercept to get the Wagtail dependencies.
$ git clone # Wagtail 1.2
$ cd wagtail
$ python -m pyintercept setuptools.setup --args=install --handler=pyintercept.pdb
is the dotted path to the function we want to intercept--args=install
is used to pass arguments to the script (
is used to set the handler you want. There are
some predefined handlers: json
, pdb
, pickle
and print
.It will drop you in a pdb console:
(Pdb) l
1 def pdb(origfn, *args, **kwargs):
2 import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
3 -> return origfn(*args, **kwargs)
(Pdb) p origfn
<function setup at 0x1020ed9b0>
(Pdb) from pprint import pprint
(Pdb) pprint(kwargs['install_requires'])
Okay, so we just intercepted the call to setuptools.setup
without touching
any code. The origfn
argument contains the original function. The *args
contains the arguments that would be passed to the original
You can also, of course, write your own handlers. Let’s write a custom handler that prints out to stdout all requirements in JSON format.
Let’s call it
def handler(*args, **kwargs):
import json
python -m pyintercept setuptools.setup --args=install --handler=amazing.handler
["Django>=1.7.1,<1.10", "django-compressor>=1.4", "django-modelcluster>=1.0", "django-taggit>=0.17.5", "django-treebeard==3.0", "djangorestframework>=3.1.3", "Pillow>=2.6.1", "beautifulsoup4>=4.3.2", "html5lib>=0.999,<1", "Unidecode>=0.04.14", "Willow>=0.2.2,<0.3"]
It’s important to notice the import
statement inside the handler function.
You’ll have to ensure that all the required stuff to make your handler work is
defined within it, otherwise it will not be injected and will cause errors.